Sweetwater County Solid Waste Disposal District #1
rock springs landfill
Hours of Operation: Â Monday - Sunday
Winter Hours
October 1 - April 30
8am - 4:30pm
Last Load accepted 4:30pm
Summer Hours
May 1 - September 30
8am - 5:30pm
Last Load accepted 5:30pm
December landfill
Dec. 24th
the landfill will close at 11:30 am
Dec. 25th
The landfill will be closed all day
Dec. 31st
The landfill will close at 11:30 am
The Rock Springs Landfill is Operated by Sweetwater County Solid Waste Disposal District #1; a special taxing entity that was created in 1977.
The district encompasses a specific section of Sweetwater County. Per the image, everything in Red is inside the district boundary. Everything outside of the Red is outside the district boundary.
The District is authorized to assess a maximum 3-mill tax levy to support its operations.
The goal of the Board of Directors of Sweetwater County Solid Waste Disposal District #1 has been to manage the District efficiently and at the same time minimize the cost of operation for the taxpayers of the District.
The goal of the Rock Springs Landfill is to provide a community centered landfill that is a safe, clean, easy, and effective environment to dispose of various types of municipal solid and industrial waste.