Accepted wastes
Municipal Solid Waste (household trash)
Kitchen Garbage, Cardboard, Building Materials, etc.
MSW is Free for in district residents and businesses.
MSW that is generated outside of the district is $65 per ton with a $20 minimum for out of district residents and businesses.
MSW found containing metal that is not separated will incur a mixed load fee of $160.
Businesses must fill out a general use permit and have it approved by the landfill manager prior to hauling waste to the landfill.
Click here for a copy of the general use permit
Green Waste
Branches, Manure, Hay, Leaves, Grass, Vegetation.
Green waste must be separated from all other trash. Green waste must be free of any other debris, trash or contaminates before it is disposed of in the green waste area.
Green waste is Free for in district residents and businesses but may incur a special waste charge if the volume is high.
Green waste is not accepted from out of district.
The Landfill has a special area for green wastes, please report any of these wastes to the Scale house Attendant
E-Waste (Electronic Waste) & Paint
The Landfill recycles flat screen tv's, computer printers, flat screen computer monitors, laptops, computer towers, etc.
E-Waste is Free for in district residents.
E-Waste is .50 cents per pound for businesses.
E-waste is not accepted from out of district.
We Recycle water based household paint.
(You may also use a hardener or let your paint dry completely to a solid, and then throw it in the landfill or in your curbside can.)
Paint is Free for in district residents.
Paint is not accepted from out of district.
Paint is not accepted from businesses.
If you have unmarked containers, pesticides, solvents or other chemicals, please take them to the Rock Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Landfill does not accept these wastes.
The landfill has a special area for these wastes, please report them to the Scale house Attendant
Dead Animals
Household Pets, Livestock, Road kill etc.
For larger animals and livestock, the landfill will not help you extract these animals from your vehicle. However there is a concrete block at the dead animal pit that you may tie onto to help extract the animal from your vehicle.
Dead animals are free to dispose of for in district residents and businesses.
Dead animals that are generated outside of the district are $65 per ton with a $20 minimum for out of district residents and businesses.
There is a special area for Dead Animals at the landfill, please report them to the scale house Attendant.
Propane Bottles, Helium Bottles, Gas Bottles
The landfill accepts Propane Bottles as long as all of the propane has been removed from the bottle. If possible please remove the valve from the bottle as well.
Party helium tanks are accepted at the landfill.
Gas bottles are accepted at the landfill as long as all of the gas has been removed.
Propane Bottles, Helium Bottles and Gas Bottles are free for in district residents and businesses.
Propane Bottles, Helium Bottles and Gas Bottles that are generated outside of the district are
$65 per ton with a $20 minimum for out of district residents and businesses.
The landfill has a special area for these wastes so please report them to the Scale house Attendant.
Concrete and Asphalt
Clean concrete, concrete with rebar and mesh, and asphalt are accepted at the landfill.
Small loads of concrete and asphalt are free for in district residents and businesses.
Large loads or multiple loads of concrete or asphalt from the same job site may incur a special handled waste fee for in district residents and businesses.
Concrete and asphalt generated outside of the district are $65 per ton with a $20 minimum for out of district residents and businesses.
The landfill has a special area for these wastes so please report them to the Scale house Attendant.
Petroleum Contaminated Soil (PCS)
The landfill accepts Non Hazardous Petroleum Contaminated Soil at its industrial waste facility on site.
PCS requires special handling.
The rules are as follows:
The PCS must meet the WYDEQ guidelines for Non Hazardous PCS in order to be disposed of at the industrial waste facility. Click here for a copy of the WYDEQ guidelines.
The PCS must not contain any free liquids and must pass the paint filter test.
Click here for more information. -
The Company hauling the PCS must complete a PCS permit prior to hauling the PCS to the landfill.
Click Here for a copy of the permit. -
For any questions regarding PCS please contact the district office.
PCS is $60 per ton with a $20 minimum for in district residents and businesses.
PCS is $65 per ton with a $20 minimum for out of district residents and businesses.
All PCS generated from truck wrecks or spills will be billed at the $65 per ton rate regardless of location.
The landfill has a special area for these wastes so please report them to the Scale house Attendant.
Barrels, Drums, and Totes
Barrels and Totes that contained oils or other chemicals are accepted at the landfill.
These containers have special requirements.
The rules are as follows
Barrels / Drums
​Must be triple rinsed and have no remaining residue on the inside.
Must be punctured in both ends.
Metal Barrels can be crushed.
Must be triple rinsed and have no remaining residue on the inside.
For plastic totes that are metal framed, if possible please separate the plastic from the metal.
Barrels and Totes are free from in district residents and businesses.
Barrels and Totes generated outside of the district are $65 per ton with a $20 minimum for out of district residents and businesses.
Please report all barrels and totes to the Scale house Attendant.
Medical Sharps
Insulin Sharps, Medical & Dental Sharps, etc.
Medical Sharps must be placed in a semi-rigid container (milk jug, sharps container, etc.) in order to be disposed of at the landfill.
Medical Sharps are Free for in district residents and businesses.
Medical Sharps from out of district are $65 per ton with a $20 minimum.
The Landfill has a special area for medical sharps, please report any sharps to the Scale house Attendant.
Batteries, Engine Oil and Antifreeze
Used engine oil is accepted at 5 gallons per trip.
Used antifreeze is accepted at 5 gallons per trip.
Lead Acid Batteries (car batteries) are accepted.
Small Sealed Lead Acid Batteries are accepted.
The Landfill also accepts and recycles the following rechargeable batteries:​
Lithium Ion (Li-ion)
Commonly found in Cell Phones, Vape Pens, Tools​
Nickel Cadmium (NiCad)
Commonly found in older Rechargeable Tools and Toys​
Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH)
Commonly found in older Rechargeable Tools and Toys​
Whole Cell Phones
Vegetable oil is not accepted in liquid form at the Landfill. You can mix it with dirt or Kitty Litter to make it a solid and the throw it into your curbside can or into the main disposal area.
This service is Free for in district residents.
These wastes are not accepted from businesses.
Small amounts of Li-ion, NiCad, NiMH batteries can be accepted from businesses.
The Landfill has a special area for these wastes, please report them to the Scale house Attendant
Tires are accepted at the landfill with the Rims on or off of them.
In district Residents receive 4 tires (16" and smaller) per load for free. (Charges after 4 free tires are incurred at the current rates listed below.)
Tires are accepted from in district businesses at the per ton rates listed below.
Tires are not accepted from out of district.
Tires 16" and smaller - $3 per tire
Tires 17" to 19.5" - $5 per tire
Tires 20" to 24" - $7 per tire
Farm / Implement - $16 per tire
Earthmover - $120 per ton
Large Loads - $95 per ton
The landfill has a special area for Tires, please report them to the Scale house Attendant.
Scrap Metal, White Goods, & Refrigerators
Scrap metal that is clean of debris and other forms of trash is accepted at the landfill.
Household White Goods are accepted as well.
Refrigerators are accepted with or without the Freon being removed.
If the Freon has been drained by a certified professional you will need to provide proof of that to the scale house personnel.
If the Freon has not been drained , the landfill will remove it for you free of charge if you are an in district resident. You will be required to fill out a form for this process.
Click here for a copy of the form to fill out and bring with you to the landfill
All refrigerators require special handling.
The rules are as follows:
All doors removed from the unit.
All trash removed from within the unit.
Shelving and drawers removed from within the unit.
Fill out required refrigerator form.
Scrap Metal & White Goods are free for in district residents and businesses.
Scrap Metal & White Goods that are generated outside of the district are $65 per ton with a $20 minimum for out of district residents and businesses.
Refrigerators are free for in district residents.
Refrigerators are $20 each for in district businesses.
Refrigerators that are generated outside of the district are $45 each for out of district residents and businesses.
The landfill has a special area for scrap metal and white goods. Please report them to the Scale house Attendant.
Mobile Homes & Travel Trailers
Mobile Homes and Travel Trailers are accepted at the landfill but require special handling.
The rules are as follows:
Refrigerators, Air Conditioner Units, Propane Tanks, and White Goods must be removed from the unit.
You must provide a valid title or sheriff VIN check form to the scale house personnel.
If you require the tires off of the mobile home, arrangements must be made ahead of time by contacting the district office.
The landfill will not help you offload the mobile home or travel trailer.
If you have a mobile home to dispose of please call the district office ahead of time so the landfill can make the appropriate preparations.
Travel Trailers are free for in district residents and businesses
Mobile Homes are $35 per ton for in district residents and businesses.
Mobile Homes that are generated outside of the district are $65 per ton with a $20 minimum for residents and businesses.
Businesses attempting to dispose of a Mobile Home or Travel Trailer at the landfill must have an approved General Use Permit.
Click here for a copy of the General Use Permit.
Building Demolition
Building Demolition is accepted at landfill but requires special handling.
The rules are as follows:
A General Use Permit must be completed and approved by the landfill manager prior to disposal.
Click here for a copy of the permit. -
Large pieces of metal such as steel 2x4's, metal framing, etc. must be separated from the demolition debris prior to disposal. Failure to do this will result in the load being rejected at the scale house or will incur a mixed load fee of $160 to $320 if discovered on the fill area floor.
Large pieces of concrete must be broken down into manageable pieces prior to being brought out to the landfill.
Building Demolition is $35 per ton with a $20 minimum for in district residents and businesses.
Building Demolition that is generated out side of the district is $65 per ton with a $20 minimum for out of district residents and businesses.
Friable and Non friable asbestos are accepted at the landfill. Both have special handling requirements and the rules are as follows:
Friable Asbestos
Requires a general use permit that must be approved by the landfill manager prior to disposal.
Click here for a copy of the permit. -
Requires 2 copies of the Asbestos Shipment Record form.
Click here for a copy of the form. -
Must be double bagged and in a rigid container. (Steel Drum or the like.)
Please call ahead as special arrangements are required to dispose of Friable Asbestos.
Must be reported to Scale house Attendant.
Non Friable Asbestos
Requires a general use permit that must be approved by the landfill manager prior to disposal.
Click here for a copy of the permit. -
Must be bagged.
Must be reported to Scale house Attendant.
Non Friable Asbestos is free for in district residents and businesses.
Non Friable Asbestos that is generated outside of district is $65 per ton with a $20 minimum for out of district residents and businesses
Friable Asbestos that is generated inside of district is $25 per drum for in district residents and businesses.
Friable Asbestos that is generated outside of district is $30 per drum for out of district residents and businesses.
The landfill has a special area for these wastes so please report them to the Scale house Attendant.