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Downloadable forms

Below is a list of downloadable forms for your convenience. 

General Use Permit

Use this form if you are a business that is looking to dispose waste at the Rock Springs Landfill.

This form is for the application of dumping; General Trash, Building Demolition, Friable & Non Friable Asbestos

You may print this form and bring it with you to be reviewed and approved on site at the landfill.

You may also fill in the fields using a PDF reader and email it to us using the button below.

Contaminated Soil Permit

Use this form if you need to apply to dump Non Hazardous Contaminated Soil at the Rock Springs Landfill

You may print this form and bring it with you to be reviewed and approved on site at the landfill.

You may also fill in the fields using a PDF reader and email it to us using the button below.

WYDEQ Soil Guidelines

This is a downloadable zip file that contains the WYDEQ guidelines for determining and disposing of Contaminated Soil.

Asbestos Waste Shipment Record

If you are bringing Friable Asbestos to the landfill please fill out 2 copies this form as well as the General Use Permit form before coming to the landfill.

The "Disposal Site " Section on the bottom of this form will be filled out by landfill personnel.

Refrigerator Form

This is a downloadable form that you can fill out if you have a refrigerator to dispose of at the landfill.

Filling this form out ahead of time will save you time at the landfill.


This is a form that lists our current disposal rates as decided on by the Sweetwater County Solid Waste Disposal District #1 Board of Directors.

District Map

This is a downloadable map that shows the boundaries of the Sweetwater County Solid Waste Disposal District #1. Use this as a tool to help you decide if your waste is coming from inside or outside the district boundary.

Landfill Site Map

This is a downloadable map that gives you an idea of where you might be directed to dispose of your waste when you come to the landfill.


This file is currently being constructed and will be coming soon.


Sweetwater County Solid Waste Disposal District #1

Correspondence & Billing

PO Box 1493

Rock Springs, WY 82902


Landfill Site 

50 County Road 64

Rock Springs, WY 82901


Scalehouse: 307-352-6877

Office: 307-352-6869

Fax: 307-352-6867



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